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End Burnout: Create Success Over Sacrifice

Helping you rediscover yourself,

find joy, connection, freedom, and clarity

5-Steps To Overcoming High Achiever Burnout For Good! Feb 23, 2023

Burnout, for those of you that have ever experienced it is: Real, dark, debilitating at times, and exhausting. It is not something any ambitious, high achiever ever wants to experience. In fact, if you've experienced it and you're one of those Type A, driven type personalities, you've more than...

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How To Set Boundaries As A Working Mom Feb 23, 2023

Have you ever found yourself utterly drained by the end of the day, with a never-ending to-do list still looming over you? Does it feel like you're constantly juggling the demands of work and family, always at the beck and call of others?

"Oh, Mom..."

Those two little words can make you cringe,...

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Prevent Being Overworked In 2023 gloria feldt take the lead the mom project Jan 05, 2023

Working mothers often experience the motherhood penalty where an employer may pass them up assuming they won’t be able to juggle parenthood and high demands at work.  Their spouse may see them handling so much in life that they subconsciously sit back and assume “Mom will handle...

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Is Parental Leave The Most Impactful Benefit For New Parents? Sep 30, 2022

Parental Leave

They are important benefits to the health of your working parent employees.  However, are they the only benefits you could be offering to create an impact on your employee's wellness and performance?


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How To Support Expecting Mothers In The Workplace Sep 19, 2022

In 2021, Labor & Statistics reports over 3.6M babies being born in the United States. With over 66% of households dual income and 47% of millennial mothers leading as the breadwinner of their family, chances are that your companies have supported several working parents this past year.

How do...

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What Are The Signs of Postpartum Depression & What Is A Tongue Tie? (Featured In: Busy Mom Pumping Podcast) Jun 15, 2022

In 2014, I gave birth to my daughter Aiva via c-section and after several months of bed rest due to a high-risk pregnancy.  The transition into motherhood was not easy for me, a high-achieving Mom who had her whole self-identity wrapped in career achievements.  

While I experienced...

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Breastmilk Directory breast milk breastfeeding tongue tie May 19, 2022


A breastmilk shortage could be one of the worst nightmares for a mother who is struggling to produce enough milk which is why I’m posting a directory of where you can find breastmilk near you.  Breastfeeding is one of the hardest jobs for a lot of Moms, I was one of them as...

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You Are Worthy of Overcoming Postpartum Depression & Anxiety! maternal mental wellness postpartum working moms Feb 03, 2022

You Are Worthy of Overcoming Postpartum Depression & Anxiety!

This morning I was reflecting on my experience of postpartum depression and anxiety and my experience AFTER I overcame it! Did you know that only 15% of mothers experiencing it within the first year after birth address it and...

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How To Recover From PTSD After A Traumatic Birth maternal mental wellness motherhood identity postpartum ptsd working moms Jan 14, 2022

How To Recover From PTSD After A Traumatic Birth

The birthing event for women is so individual and not every experience goes smoothly. There are complications, challenges, traumatic events.  The secret that many of us hold after birth is just how traumatic it was.  Enormous physical...

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