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Free Downloadable Maternal Health Resources

Shift Tension & Anxiety Within Seconds Using Your Breath

Learn breathwork techniques to lower anxiety during trigger moments taught by breathwork expert, Abby Hildebrand.

Watch Here!

Anxiety Relief:  10-Min Guided Meditation

Find a quiet area, free from distractions and give yourself the gift of reconnecting your mind and body.  In this meditation, we take you to the beach where you can relax, clear any anxiety that may be present, and recharge to create impactful memories with your family.

Listen Now!



We are not affiliated with Low Blue Lights but enjoy sharing them as a resource to new parents.  Perinatal mood disorders can cause sleep interferences which can even further delay recovery.  Lenses in LowBlueLights have been effective in promoting sleep.  Try wearing these for a couple of hours before you and the baby head to bed. 

Try to get 5-6 hours of uninterrupted sleep to reduce the risk for postpartum depression & anxiety!

Learn more

Tips When Addressing Maternity Leave With Your Employer

Returning to work is a big transition for all Moms.  Download our Top 10 questions to ask yourself, your spouse, and employer when returning to work.  

Download Here

Boundary Setting With Your Spouse, In-laws & Beyond

Becoming a Mom requires support from your spouse, family, caregivers, and employer.  Learn how to effectively communicate how you need and want to be supported.  

Coming soon!

Download Here

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and connect with Amy directly on LinkedIn & IG

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Access my latest podcast interviews, weekly leadership and personal development tips including the Mama Monday Mindset Minutes published every Monday! 

Handle:  @amyleighlooper

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Let's Connect!

Every week, I host the Leading Motherhood Without Sacrifice LIVE show.  Make sure to sign up to connect and network with other high performers! 

You can also subscribe to my bi-monthly newsletter filled with tips to elevate your experience of working parenthood and also educate corporate employers about how to create an inclusive culture for working parents and caregivers.


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Subscribe To My Channel

Want to learn how to step into courage and away from fear and anxiety as a leading parent?  

Subscribe to my channel where I regularly post tips to help you: 

  • Integrate Career & Family
  • Find Clarity In What You Really Want In Your Career and Life
  • Re-energize Your Health & Nervous System 
  • Eliminate Anxiety & Fear
  • Strengthen Relationships
  • Find Energy To Play With Your Kids
  • Advance Your Career
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My Recent Podcast Interviews

Busy Mom Pumping Podcast

Lene A

A podcast for busy pumping moms who want to continue pumping when they return to their busy lives after maternity leave has ended. There is not one right way to do this but as many ways as there are busy moms pumping and this podcast is here to give you some ideas and inspiration though interviews with different moms in different forms of busy and professions.

Listen Here

Triumph Over Trauma

Chris Gere

Stories of everyday people OVERCOMING adversity 🔥🦅🔥

Listen Here


Vikki Stephenson

Blue MumDays is a podcast about perinatal illness, parenting and being kind to yourself. Up to 1 in 5 mums and 1 in 10 dads will suffer with their mental health after the birth of their baby.

Having once interviewed the likes of Sir David Attenborough and Hans Zimmer during my BBC career, I’m now speaking to mums, dads and mental health experts each week, in an effort to understand my own experience of postnatal depression.

Dispelling myths, smashing stigma & bringing hope to parents having a hard time.

Listen Here

The Journey Of Ruth

Courtney Lowman

My guest today is Amy Looper and our conversation is all for the working moms out there and anyone who knows a working mom!! Amy is a speaker, author, consultant and a business leader who understands the importance of the modern working mom's career. She is a wife, mother of two and spent the past two decades in technology & SAAS sales leadership.  Healing from postpartum depression& anxiety was one of the greatest gifts of her life and she now helps other women do the same. Amy and I chat about the unique struggles of working moms, how we can support new working moms, the benefits of surrender, and how we can find joy in the toughest job of all, motherhood.

Listen Here

The Surf & Sales Podcast

Richard Harris

After 18 years in corporate sales in big tech, it was time to leap into her starting her own business. Oh, and along the way, she had some of the biggest personal challenges, particularly as a mom.

What it means to fail forward
Fear of success can be as powerful as fear of failure.
Why farming is entrepreneurial
The wrong image of postpartum depression
Finding the balance as a mom and a career woman.
Why culture starts bottom up with front line leadership than top down.
The cues that your culture is bad.
What founders need to understand about culture going from Seed to A, to B.

Listen Here

Trusted Partners

Want to give a gift to an expectant Mom?

Cater To Mom will be featuring the Leading Motherhood book in 2023 in addition to other motherhood gifts and wellness items.  Check them out today!

Check out Cater to Mom


Should I still meet with my physician for health guidance?

Yes, Amy Looper does not provide medical care and recommends that even as a coaching client, you should meet with your physician for medical advice.  Coaching is an effective holistic method to reduce anxiety and depression but does not replace the medical guidance you may have received from your physician.    

Who Do You Serve?

Amy Looper works with ambitious professionals from large corporations, small businesses, and entrepreneurs that want to find clarity in their life or have yet to find results from modalities such as therapy.  Amy helps individuals build confidence in themselves, find clarity in career, improve relationship communication, and eliminate the chronic stress cycle that can ultimately lead to burnout.  She also regularly partners with corporations as a speaker and facilitator.

Are You A Trained Mental Health Professional?

Amy Looper is not a licensed health practitioner however is trained and mentored by Dr. Shoshana Bennett.  She has deep experience in maternal mental well-being as a survivor of postpartum depression, PTSD after a traumatic birth and experienced transformational leadership coach. She deeply understands how the mind and body are affected by trauma and how this can play out in our daily lives. 

What Is Your Business Experience?

Amy spent over 18 years in cybersecurity and healthcare IT sales before becoming an entrepreneur.  She has led sales teams and knows how to empower your best performance on the job and most connected personal life.

How Can I Overcome Burnout?

Amy teaches individuals how they can prevent and overcome burnout.  Burnout is a result of a pattern of chronic stress in a person's life.  She works with individuals to help them develop skills in emotional intelligence, personal leadership, and energy management.  She isn't just a teacher but has experienced burnout herself after years of living with a dysregulated nervous system.