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Prevent Burnout & Break Free From Constant Overwhelm! 

Being a high-achieving woman doesn't mean you need to sacrifice relationships, career, or health.
Learn how to create deeper connections with your loved ones, and live your life more presently while making quantum leaps in your career and business. 

Schedule a call with Amy today by clicking the schedule below!


Hello, I'm Amy Looper

I'm a wife, mother of two and have spent the past two decades in technology & SAAS sales leadership.  Healing from postpartum depression, anxiety was one of the greatest gifts of my life.  

I do not believe that life is by accident.  I believe that every interaction and experience we have is fully by God's great design of our hearts and the universe.  We have the ability to use these experiences to better our lives if we take the time to complete the transformational work that helps to open our mind in our incredibly fast paced world.

Before having children I thought I was ok with managing stress and emotions. When trauma struck my family alongside my own birthing trauma I was quickly challenged to manage a multitude of emotions each minute.  The reality was that I was a master at deflecting my emotions as a high-achiever and avoiding them until I looked in the mirror one day, complete BURNED OUT!

My clients turn to me when they are feeling overwhelmed, have a desire to find a way to integrating career and life to live the BOTH/AND dream.  Each high-achieving mother I work with wants it all from a high performance career to connected relationship with spouse/ partner and have the ability to be present with their kids.

We work together to help you become unstuck from constant busy energy that is sucking you away from your family.  I help you find freedom, confidence and self-worth, detaching from fear, anxiety and third-party validation.  You are meant to courageously lead your life on your terms, I have the great privilege of empowering your greatness in motherhood, life and career. 

I look forward to getting to know you, the light that God put on this Earth on purpose! 


Amy Leigh Looper